St. Chads, Lichfield Concert on October 8th 2016
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Click on the diagonal arrows icon near the bottom right of each video to view in full screen mode.
You may have to click on the video a few times to see the time line and icons.
If the video keeps stalling, pause it for a while by clicking on it to give it time to fully download before resuming play,
These videos can be saved to your computer by clicking on the down facing arrow at the bottom right of each video
Let There Be Light
Fascinating Rhythm
Psalm 150
Autumn Leaves
The Impossible Dream
You Raise Me up
The Friday Four
Voices From Above
Ave Maria
Hallelujah Amen
Speed your Journey
The Rhythm of Life
Ose Shalom
Unchained Melody
The World In Union
Max Piano Solo
The Singing Sisters
American Trilogy