Concert St. James’ Church Mere Green Dec 2014
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These videos can be saved to your computer by clicking on the down facing arrow at the bottom right of each video
{Pause each video before going onto the next.}
Click on the diagonal arrows icon near the bottom right of each video to view in full screen mode.
You may have to click on the video a few times to see the time line and icons.
If the video keeps stalling, pause it for a while by clicking on it to give it time to fully download before resuming play,
Please Note:-
These videos can be saved to your computer by clicking on the down facing arrow at the bottom right of each video
{Pause each video before going onto the next.}
Joy to the World
Te Laudamus
Sussex Carol
a Voice of Singing
Nutcracker Jingles
Deck the Hall
Variations on Jingle Bells
Ose Shalom
The 1st Noel
Hallelujah Amen!
In the Bleak Midwinter
Do You Hear What I Hear?
The 12 Days After Christmas