Hagley Road Retirement Village Concert June 2014
Click on the diagonal arrows icon near the bottom right of each video to view in full screen mode.
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These videos can be saved to your computer by clicking on the down facing arrow at the bottom right of each video
{Pause each video before going onto the next.}
Click on the diagonal arrows icon near the bottom right of each video to view in full screen mode.
If the video keeps stalling, pause it for a while to give it time to fully download before resuming play,
Please Note:-
These videos can be saved to your computer by clicking on the down facing arrow at the bottom right of each video
{Pause each video before going onto the next.}
Shenandoah |
Speed Your Journey
The Awakening
Ride the Chariot
Hallehujah Amen
African Prayer
You Raise Me Up
Mansions of the Lord
For the Fallen
Alex Stait 1st Half
Fascinating Rhythm
Bring Him Home
Alex Stait 2nd Half
A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
Ose Shalom
Bridge Over Troubled Water